Edge Workplace


This 700m2 fitout for Edge Agency and Creative Oasis houses 80 people in a ‰flexible and informal workplace. The space overlooks a spectacular urban view – layers of rooftops and buildings rising up towards the city. The building also has an unusually positioned core – close to the main façade, creating a sunlit but narrow corridor of space.

A kitchen was inserted into a compressed corridor space with a plywood shelf running the length of the façade. The workplace was wrapped in a painted black band that sitting underneath the regular rhythm of windows, anchoring them and giving a strong graphic quality to the space. A bank of plywood meeting rooms create a backdrop to the workplace, with a central shared utilities space slicing through the centre, connecting to the service corridor behind.

Street artist Brett Chan was commissioned to paint a graphic black and white backdrop to the main workstation area, and custom joinery was used to layer the space with texture and pattern.

Photos by Luc Remond


Temptation lay ahead


Green with Envy